The girls were all in support of Manteur and they wondered why on earth their friend(Melima) could, be so stupid to the point of disclosing his name to her parents and now because of the claimed stupidity of Melima, Manteur was now in trouble with the administration. As the investigation was driving toward it end, during school breaks, students clubbed themselves in various groups at strategic points of the school yard. Their conversations were no longer about their forthcoming exams nor was it even concerning Football. Their conversation was about the fate of Manteur.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Manteur and the Female students of Lycee du General Leclerc(part 2)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Manteur and the Female students of Lycee du General Leclerc
The parents of Melima wanted Mr Manteur to be arrested. But since he was a White man and an expatriate send by
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Risdoh & Mr Manteur :the White biology teacher at Lycee du General Leclerc (part 2)
Mr Manteur, the name of the White French biology teacher at Lycee du General Leclerc was treated like a king and he was adored by female students. He was loved not only because he was a white man, it was also because of all the electronic appliances that he had at his home and the easy way of life that he led. Mr Manteur, who was 40 years old and still a bachelor, went to bed with all the girls of Lycee bilingual and even with some of his female colleagues who were married as well as those who were unmarried. Mr Manteur did not succeed to have sexual intercourse with all his female students simply because, he was White or because he had many electronic appliances at his house , but more because, he promised them all that, he was to get married to them and also take them to France at the end of his contract. But amongst all the female students that Manteur was practising his reproductive biology lessons on, one unluckily fell pregnant.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Risdoh & Mr Manteur: the White French biology teacher at Lycee Leclerc.
Risdoh held the key to the paradise of prosperity of her family. And she did not disappoint. She was committed to her studies, until she reached form 4 at Lycee du General Leclerc and she was preparing to write the BEPC, the French equivalent of the General Certificate of Education (GCE Ordinary level). Then she came across a native White French biology teacher at Lycee Leclerc. This White French man, who was a biology teacher, was about 40 years old and knows French-speaking
Sunday, October 28, 2007
How Armed robbers & thieves are handled in Cameroons (final part)
Around the Bastos neighbourhood of Yaoundé , which is a neighbourhood inhabited mostly by top government officials and diplomats, those dictating the rules on how thieves or Armed Robbers have to be handled, whenever they are arrested are not the inhabitants of Bastos proper. But the poor who are living in the valleys of the posh neighbourhood, for the poor who live in the valley don’t want their employers who live at the summit to be robbed, for it will cut or deny them their life line. The valley around Bastos neighbourhood in Yaoundé is the place of the poor. It is a part where torrential rains often carry away the habitats of its occupants and also where when people are at sleep, they can easily be observed by those passing by because, their houses are built with poor materials.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
How Armed robbers & thieves are handled in Cameroons
At the Bepanda neighbourhood of
Friday, October 26, 2007
Risdoh & the creation of modern Cameroon ( final part )
Perhaps late General Leclerc is loved and admired by French-speaking Cameroonians, because, he showed a courage not known to be the hallmark of French soldiers. For he gathered a rag tag army from
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Risdoh & the creation of modern Cameroon ( part 3)
In setting such rules, I think the ancestors of Ewondos and the Bulu nations were genius in proactive problem solving. And since most Ewondo girls are physically stronger than their males or eventual husbands, the act of their husbands to beat them, was and is still today meant to ascertain the natural masculine authority at home. The beaten woman must cry out loud and strip herself naked in the public and neighbours will race to cover her nakedness and beg her husband to take her back. He will be proud and happy because, in most cases, it is the Ewondo girls who beat up their husbands. Hence, when an Ewondo male is lucky to fall in love with a weak female, and he succeeds to beat her up, he will throw a party to fete his victory. The Ewondo woman is always happy to be married to real males, in all senses of interpretations. And that culture is still going on today in the Centre, South and part of the East provinces of French-speaking
Friday, October 19, 2007
Risdoh & the creation of modern Cameroon (part 2)
For they (France) granted independence to the French-speaking part of Cameroon on the 1st of January 1960 and to the English-speaking parts, they (Britain) granted them a funny type of independence, that is, by asking part of British Cameroons to integrate Northern Nigeria and the other part to reunifying with French-speaking Cameroon. That expensive jokes of the British toward British Cameroonians, was called independence. In reality, it was another form of new colonialism took place on the 1st of October 1961. The British and the United Nations decided what was best for us. For how a country can get her independence by reunifying or integrating with another one, is a mystery. But, is the logic of the White men. Just understand that, even though the White men cheated English-speaking Cameroonians, by denying them the right to have their own country,
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Risdoh & the creation of modern Cameroon
My great grand parents, who came from far away land were also called Brogota. As I have promised you long ago, this is now the story of Risdoh. She is a black African girl, from a predominantly black African country called
Friday, October 5, 2007
The Head ( Final part )
Thus, whenever my great grand parents prayed to their god, who was in reality Satan, he (Satan), never hesitated to deliver whatever they wished. And this made our God, that is, the God of those of us who are Christians, to get angry and jealous at the same time. But instead of punishing my great grand parents, our God, the God of those of us were Christians and are still Christians today, provided them double, what Satan had given them. It was the beginning of the battles for the hearts and souls fought by Satan and God. The winners were my great grand parents, for they were winning on both sides. But my father, who is a very good practising Christians, when he got the news on how my great grand parents were operating, he was extraordinarily livid. And that is why, whenever my father is preaching or trying to win over people on the side of our God, that is, the God of Christians, he tells them that: “a good Christian, must be neck deep with God”. And he always adds that: “people of today are lucky and hence, they must not behave like his ancestors who are also mine”.
That is, by worshipping God and Satan at the same time. The attitude of my great grand parents my father always said: “it was not good”. Why? According to my father, there is only one God, and it is the God of those of us who are Christians. And since the God of Christians is a very kind God, and show it by making rain and sun to shine on the head of every one, my father therefore thinks that, our God deserves respect and not mockery and betrayals. My father adds that, my great grand parents wanted to gain both ways. That is, with Satan and with God, hence he considers my great grand parents conduct as appalling, for they wanted to put God to test. Anyway, that is what my father thinks. My father who will be referred to today, by people who do not know God, as a fanatical Christian, was not joking when he was criticising his ancestors, who are also mine. My father got angry because, his father, who is my grand father, told him that, his own parents who are my great grand parents, who told him that, it was best to worship two gods.
For my great grand parents compared the worshipping of two gods to a man who had two wives. Men who have two wives know that, there is always a competition amongst the women to satisfy their husband and if humans also have two gods, then those gods will also be competing to satisfy them. It explains why, when the White men came, my great grand parents did not throw away their own ancestral gods, they decided to follow the White men and their new God, while keeping and worshipping their own ancestral gods. My father can’t stand to hear such logics and hence, rejects the ancestral worships of our collective ancestors and says, only Gods words obtain from the bible is correct and worth following. And since I don’t have any right to choose, I do follow what my father says, but I have also strong respect for my ancestors, for I think that, they had a much better life than those of us who are today Christians.
But whenever I am told or reminded how best our country was before my grand father, fell into the trap of the White men and became a Christian, which I am also a part of today, I am worried and I ask these questions. Was Bassa and Bassa-badem land the name of my country, truly better before the White men came and decided to merge it with a bigger entity made up of foreigners and called it Cameroon? Has our ancestors cursed us? Did we need money and all the trappings of the White man’s world, as it is the situation today? Anyway, I think that, while I was born a Christian and I am still a Christian and will die a Christian and while still alive, I am obeying only the rules that guide Christians, I am nonetheless loosing something. Satan who used to help my great grand parents to have many children and children who respected them, but nowadays Satan has decided to attack us, because, we don’t obey him any more.
But I am moreover aware that, our God, that is, the God of those of us who are Christians, he is a strong and powerful God, but in front of the attack that, we are daily receiving from Satan, he seem not to be in a hurry to help us. When will he? Perhaps only when in the beaks of cocks and other birds, teeth start to grow. It is why, I think that, today, those of us who are Christians, are loosing. For if we had the brilliance of our ancestors to be Christians while preserving our ancestral gods, both (Satan & God) would have been helping us today, as they did before us. That was my story and it is the end. I am now hungry and perhaps if you can complete the meal with a calabash of sweet fresh palm wine, I will appreciate that very much. But before I go, this is the last and real story and the one that made you all to seat here. I hope you liked the other stories and God will certainly have mercy over us all and he will protect us from the thieves and other criminals that his rival, Satan has placed at strategic places. My name is Brogota and my father’s name is also Brogota.
Friday, September 28, 2007
The Head ( part 6)
Some selected few could even transform themselves into crocodiles or perform some positive as well as negative things. During my great grand parents period, people or some selected few, chosen by Satan and bestowed with mystical powers could performs things that, today, many people will not believe. But since I know that, this world is governed by Satan, I am equally aware that, he can operate many things. But when the White men came, they brought with them the bible, which is a book that has the teachings of God. But it was first written by men with God’s inspirations and secondly via the teachings of God’s son Jesus Christ. In fact, the book called the bible is divided into two parts: the old and new testaments. As the White men came with their book, which thought us the teachings of God. It was discovered by my great grand parents that, many things written in bible resembled what they already knew and it may explain why, even though they liked to hear the teachings about God’s son called Jesus Christ, they never wanted to abandon their own practices.
My great grand parents continued to have their amulets and continued to practise their rituals, because, they were gods that they could see and speak to directly. My great grand parent’s own gods were not an abstract God, as it is with that of the White men. But as time when by and the White men who came were not leaving but developing tap roots, my great grand parents had a revelation and in that, revelation, the spirits of the great grand parents of my great grand parents informed them that, the strangers who had come into their land won’t leave any more. It also informed them that, the world has changed and their own world was about to change. Hence, it instructed them to follow the teachings of the White men. But the spirit added that, they (my great grand parents) should follow the new teachings of the White men intelligently, for the spirit asked my great grand parents not to make the new teachings which is Christianity, brought by White men act on them like rain water does to palm wine in a calabash. My great grand parents followed to the letter the instructions of the spirits, which were in reality recommendations from their ancestors.
Hence, while they converted into Christianity, they never abandoned their ancestral worship. But my grand parents were not as intelligent as their parents, for they fell into the trap of the White men and abandon their ancestral god and took the new teachings of the White men as theirs. Some became even more zealous than White men. And since they became more zealous, they threw away their amulets, they stopped having shrines and they got baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. As a consequence of my grand parents’ abandonment of their ancestral traditions and worships, they were instantly punished. Some were kidnapped by foreigners and taken to foreign lands.
They could not do any thing because, they had no protections, for they could not transform themselves into trees, snakes, crocodiles to escape or frighten off their aggressors. They were vulnerable since they had become Christians, for they had to pray to the God of the White men not directly as before, but through the son of the God of White men called Jesus Christ. And my grand parents recalled in pains that, although, their parents and great grand parents were not Christians and were therefore not worshipping the God of Christians, brought to us via the White men, they had a far better life. Their country which was Bassa and Bassa Badem land was peaceful. It was not called Cameroon, because Cameroon is the name given to the assemblage of countries that existed on this part of the world by White men. What is Cameroon? It the name of a river call river Wouri.
But since the White men came many raining seasons ago or according to their own counting, in the year 1472. They had large canoes, which were 100 times bigger than that we have always fabricated, and one White man, leading others by name: Fernao do Po from Portugal, decided to call our river, the river of prawns. And from that name, came the name of what is called today Cameroon. But even the White men in all their intelligence, don’t still agree on who discovered and decided to change the way we were living. Some say the year when our river Wouri became known as the river of prawn was in 1440 and those who gave her that sort of name was still a Portuguese. Well, they are arguing on the exact year, but what I can’t understand is that, they are also disputing on whom first reached on our land. Some claim that, it was a Portuguese by name Fernao do Po, while others claim it was another Portuguese with a strange name: Henry the Navigator.
Perhaps his mother knew that, he will like to go to other peoples land, hence she gave him such a name. But the real name of the other man disputing the discovery of Cameroon was: Henrique, Duke of Viseu. It appears Henry the Navigator was just the sponsor of the expeditions or the father. But Henrique, Duke of Viseu was born on March 4th 1394 in Oporto, Portugal. He was a Prince and the third son of King John I, the founder of the Aviz dynasty and of Philippa of Lancaster, the daughter of John of Gaunt. Henry encouraged his father to conquer Ceuta in 1415, the Muslim port on the North African coast across the strait of Gibraltar from the Iberian peninsular . Rio dos Camaroes or the river of prawns is a funny name, for how is it possible that a county be named after food stuff? And prawns are even small foodstuffs that are eaten by crocodiles and fish in water. Our country was called Bassa and Bassa-badem land and we even allowed the Doualas to stay on our land and we decided to go in land because, the Doualas had no place to go. But I suspect the Doualas brought us these White men, for it appears they liked and followed them like a fly follows rotten beef.
All this I am telling you are what my grand parents told me. But since I am a Christian, I tend to doubt my grand parent’s story about the peacefulness of Bassa-Badem land, as also told them by their own parents. Because I can’t understand how people who did not fear God, the God of those of us who are Christians, can be better than us today, where Christianity has brought civilisation and hope for eternal life. Perhaps my country which I must insist was Bassa and Bassa-badem was best before it was amalgamated by those I have mentioned above and others from Europe, to produce what is today called Cameroon. Perhaps it was best because my great grand parents were receiving the help of our God, the God of Christians and also the help of their god, Satan via the woods and birds and other objects they considered as their god.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
The Head ( part 5)
I will start my story all over. Why? Simply because, I have gone astray, but I think it was worth it, and you won’t get angry or even get lost. Look, within some nationalities in
And my male friends, especially those of my age, considered me boring and some even called me names. As I grew up, I also found out that, things were difficult with my colleagues at my work place and the only places, were I found solace and comfort were in my house, the Christian congregation or through writing, blogging, reading newspapers and the bible. Some times, my comfort came from Tennis courts and when I had my children, they became my other sources of comforts.
Friday, September 14, 2007
The Head ( part 4)
If I am not exemplary or act in an exemplary manner, that is, by waking up to read the bible and pray with my parents, my younger brothers and sisters won’t and my father in particular, will be sad to read the bible all alone. And that day, he will go to work without singing or whistling as he always does, whenever he is happy. I will be sad, my father, my brothers and sisters will also be sad. Why? The reason is simply because, we all love our parents. And whenever we fail to wake up, my father accuses my mother of spoiling us. I have always questioned why my father felt that, if we were refusing to wake up, it was the fault of my or our mother. But as I grew up, I began to understand that, as Bassa-badems, mothers are the central shaft of the family. This did not or has not changed even though we are Christians.
But all I know is that, people who live in that intermediate region between the forest and savannah are called Grass field people. The
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
The Head (part 3)
Ndockpoh is a smaller village while Yabassi is bigger and she (Yabassi) is the capital of the Nkam division. Even though I am a
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The Head (part 2)
But talented as stories tellers were, they were not popular with every one, for they stole fame from people who deserve fame such as hunters and soldiers. Another thing that created anger and jealousy toward story tellers was that; they created a new profession. For there were some people who after farm work, instead of staying at home with their wives and children, they start roving around from village to village in search of story tellers. Whenever the sighted one, they club around and listen to the story teller until he or she finishes and they will give their verdict as though they were very intelligent. These groups of errant men and women became popular to a point, where famous story tellers won’t offer a word, if they don’t see them around. One thing that particularly angers the others with those errant men and women who have arrogated to themselves the right to rule on the beauty, honesty and originality of stories was that, after deciding that, a story teller has respected the tripartite points needed for a good story, they will cheer or boo the story teller and worst ask for Palm wine.
Monday, September 3, 2007
The head
After a lot of contemplations on how to start this story of mine, that, most of all, I want to share with you; I still didn’t have a head for it. What is a head? Or what has a head got to do with a story? Some of you may have asked. And if you have asked such a question, then, I will conclude that, you are not a Southern Cameroonian. Ah, Southern Cameroon doesn’t exist, for the wise men and women at Turtle bay
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Introducing: A White Man or nothing.
It is because, this blog will focus on a true story that, I have decided to serialize here on. The story is about the obsession of a French-speaking Cameroonian girl to get married to a White man. It is also about political corruption and the abuse of power. But getting married to a White Western European or North American, is a dream I formerly thought was the panacea of African girls, and in some occasions, with the tacit support of their parents. But in the course of my job, I have traveled the length and breadth of the world: developed as well as developing or refusing to developed regions. Strangely, I have come to discover with shock, I must confess that, the dreams of most French-speaking Cameroonians girls with their African sisters : black or white and as I said earlier and I must insist, that, in some occasions, with the support of their parents, is to get married to a White Westerner, that dream, is a dream or desire, also shared by most parents and their daughters in most third world countries around the globe. Why? Read the unfolding story to get your answer. But I will conclude this new post by adding that, traveling is truly learning. I have learned and discovered many things in the course of my traveling.