Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How Cappolytree eluded arrest

But the prospect of Cappolytree’s arrest changed, when he succeeded to use his connections at the Ministry of Territorial Administration and at the Central Committee of the ruling CPDM party to force the head of state to order the redrawing of the electoral constituencies within the Sanaga Maritime division. Those who agitated for the new electoral constituency re-mapping dangled the prospects that, the three factions of the UPC and the radical opposition SDF were on the high way of claiming a landslide at the upcoming municipal and legislative elections in the division. Upon getting such news about Sanaga maritime division, Paul Biya and the ideologues of the regime panicked at the prospects of the warring three factions of the UPC controlling the Sanaga Maritime division with a possibility of the radical dominant English-speaking SDF wining a seat in the division. For such a design would signalled the enlargement of the influence of the Social Democratic Front, that the government has tried to make it look more like an Anglophone based party, whose only national support were the French-speaking Bamilekes of the West province.

The prospect of the SDF making an in road in the Sanaga maritime reminded the regime of the 90’s when the SDF was controlling the greater western provinces of Cameroon (North West, South, West and Littoral provinces). During that period, they went on to win the presidential elections of 1992. Biya’s regime only survived with the support of France. That was how the idea of creating or elevating Nyanon in a sub district and electoral constituency came up and was retained. It was also an opportunity to compensate Cappolytree for financially supporting the government and in particular, the ruling party during her most difficult times. But Biya had other priority, for the survival of his regime rested more on the shoulders of the Americans, who had decided to make a come back on the continent in a bid to counter the Chinese invasion. But the Americans even though they seem to support Paul Biya, nonetheless asked him to fight corruption even in a cosmetic manner. The Americans seem different from the French. Americans do bite, but do also blow some fresh air at the same time. And because of the demands of the Americans, Paul Biya was ready to sacrifice some worst elements of his herd of corrupt supporters in business as well as in politic milieus. Cappolytree was one of those lambs whose sacrifice will do a lot of good to build a good image to the corrupt regime without putting in danger the system. Cappolyree’s heart was racing like that of a track and field athlete. He was nervous as days rolled by and at the same time, Nguelemedouga was glowing with confidence and setting his mark in the sub district and in the division and littoral province in general.

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