Thursday, May 8, 2008

Nguelemedouga did not only receive Malate, who was the most popular Bassa man in the sub division after Ruben Um Nyobe.

Nguelemedouga did not only receive Malate, who was the most popular Bassa man in the sub division after Ruben Um Nyobe. Mr Um Nyobe was one of the leaders of the UPC who was killed by French soldiers. He (Nguelemedouga) gave authorisation to all factions of the UPC to stage pre-campaign rallies in the sub district. Furthermore, when John Fru Ndi, the chairman of the Social Democratic Front (SDF) visited Nyanon to organise a campaign rally for his party, Nguelemedouga gave his service car to the leader of the largest intra and extra parliamentary opposition political formation of the country. The gesture was to enable him visit remote areas of the sub district and the Ndom sub division. To Mr Cappolytree, that act was enough. He began baying for the blood of Nguelemedouga. Because Nyanon was in Bassaland, Cappolytree was not the only one writing petitions for or against Nguelemedouga to the headquarters of the ruling Cameroon’s People Democratic Movement (CPDM), located at the Yaoundé International Conference centre, situated on the summit of hill in the cosy Bastos neighbourhood.

The office of Mr Charles Ndomba, the secretary general of the party was flooded daily with reports coming from Nyanon. Overwhelmed, he (Mr Charles Ndomba) decided to pick up his phone and contacted every one to find a solution for Nyanon, but no one was able to help him. Hence, he tried to contact the head of state directly. Miraculously, the day he rang the office of the president of the republic, Paul Biya was in his office and decided and he also decided to answer the phone. As he picked up the phone, he asked: “what is wrong?” And the secretary general of the ruling party was surprised that his boss was in his office that Friday and even picked up the phone. He responded with his voiced trembling with fear: “Sir, I wanted to plead with you to take a personal look at the problem of Nyanon”. “What is Nyanon?” The Head of state asked. And secretary general responded: “it is the name of a village in the Sanaga Maritime division that has been elevated into a sub district and one of our candidates is running for parliament there”. “And what do you want me to do?” Paul Biya asked. “We wanted to suggest to you to ask the minister of territorial administration to replace Nguelemedouga, the sub district officer of Nyanon. Nguelemedouga is a man who receives everybody and offers authorisation to opposition parties to stage rallies in Nyanon willy-nilly”. Mr Ndomba told the head of state.

“Mr Ndomba, do you really think that winning a parliamentary seat in Nyanon is my cup of tea?” The head of state asked. “Yes sir, yes Excellency”. Ndomba replied. “No! You got all wrong. Please allow that sub district officer to do his job. I don’t want any problem in that part of the country, my preoccupation is the Northwest province and that is where I will be happy to hear and see who will make our party win there. Have I made myself clear?” The head state asked and then dropped his phone. Then he rang the secretary general back and asked him to send him the list of members of the central committee of the CPDM, bade him good day and now dropped the phone. Then the head of state ordered his intelligent service to go to Nyanon and investigate what was going on and to report back to him. Some trusted men of one of the many intelligence services, which looked more like Soviet era ideological watch dogs, swung into action in Nyanon. They wormed themselves into the population and took part in all funerals, cultural groups and any other organisation that could exist in such as small village, which has been elevated into a sub district and an electoral constituency.

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